Monday, May 24, 2004

"Door Prizes!"

Hey, Word is that there will be substantial "door prizes" at my Desktop VC session. At the very least, I've gotten commitment from iVisit to donate a couple of annual subscriptions (now priced at 39.95!) to the iVisit Plus service (iVisit is free but a membership/subscription yields the user additional priveliges, like the ability to create private rooms--great for classroom conversations), as well as several accounts on the private K12-only ivisit server. Cool! I wonder what else there'll be...hmmmmm.....

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Just posted my resources document in Word format and as a webpage at my comcast site. Help yrself!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

NECC Wraparound site!

NECC2004 participants have put together an amazing array of asynchronous discussion groups, live chats with experts, chatrooms for meeting, and resources at the NECC2004 Blackboard site. Free learning, e-learning, and fun. Go to the "Hot Technologies" "course" and sign up in my "Desktop Videoconferencing" forum to investigate this area of interest in an ongoing way!

Friday, May 14, 2004

NECC2004 Info

A quicklink to NECC2004 and directly to my concurrent session's description and schedule


Yep, it's lame, but here's a welcome message: Welcome.

I'll be posting here starting the week before NECC, coming up pretty soon now. Of course, as you read this, "now" is now later than now was when I was (am) posting this. Huh?