Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Out on a Lim!

I've mentioned buddy Janine Lim's wonderful Videoconferencing Out on a Lim! blog before, and now there's a link in the sidebar here, but you may want to check it out anew since she recently migrated all her content to WordPress, with a nice clean look and ever-increasing valuable content. And I'd add that mutual friend Dan Gross in Wisconsin has done some wonderful innovating with his own IVC site. The info-share just keeps getting better and better!

I also like the fact that Janine posted a (rather desheveled, however) pic of me visiting with her and mutual pal Elaine Shuck via Festoon, which I've also mentioned before. Take a look at the program again, though, pardners, since it seems to be much improved since my earlier post, and it works not only with Skype but also with GoogleTalk. Janine says that it can handle as many as 200 concurrent connections in multipoint connections (assuming, of course, that the parties' bandwidth could do so!). As she notes, it may not be the solution for schools yet, since its peer-to-peer functionality may impose unacceptably high drain on typically bandwidth-taxed school networks. But these folks are working, and working hard, so keep checking back wi' it.

I also want to remind you here that I'm hosting two weekly podcasts, Snacks4theBrain! from the Vanderbilt University Center for Science Outreach and TechTipTuesday from the University School of Nashville teacher tech support team. Check those out, ya'll!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

iChat and such and NECC2006

Had to add the iChat site here for the sake of discussion. Looks like a great solution for those Mac-ies out there, but what about the rest of "the rest of us?"

I just put in a proposal for a Birds of a Feather session on Desktop IVC for NECC2006 come July 4 weekend in San Diego. I called it "Searching for Mr. Goodware: 'Ware's' the Best Desktop IVC Solution?" The brief description that ISTE wanted goes like this:

Polycom PVX, iVisit, SightSpeed, YahooMessenger!, AIM, iChat, MSN Messenger, Skpe, GoogleTalk, yadayadayada, ya'll. What works the best and why aren't we all using it?

I'd like to think some of the software vendors and would-be leaders in this field would answer the call. Might be a good session!