Friday, May 05, 2006

Polycom Communicator

My good friend Elaine Shuck, Polycom's Education Market Coordinator, Skyped me a couple days ago and said that I needed to check out Polycom's new Skype-enabling hardware solution, a desktop USB voice unit their calling the "Communicator." Check it out I did, only to find it's not available yet; but I guess that speaks as much to Elaine's frontline status as to anything else! Anyway, there's a nice little "microsite" about the device, and I for one want to try it a.s.a.p.! Expect a review here when I do. You might recall that I tried out a USB microphone quite a while ago and found it lacking. This looks like a great deal more than a microphone, and I 4 1 hope this is all Polycom says it will be! If so, Skype, along with its video-enabling plug-in software Festoon, might just be de bomb we're all lookin' for!

Will it work with other desktop IVC solutions? Stay tooooooooned!

You can visit the site and click "Buy Now" to add your email to the release announcement list. I suggest you do!!!

Cheers, and see ya at NECC!


Blogger Scott Merrick said...

Thanks, Gary! Wonderful!!!

9:35 AM  

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