Polycom PVX
Okay, finally, my friend Elaine Shuck increased her bandwidth from her ISP in South Dakota and we were able to utilize Polycom's PVX program, their dedicated desktop IVC solution, effectively. I'm doing a brief session on the IVC topic this Thursday night, March 31, as part of my school's Evening Classes fundraiser and I'll get to add this program to my repertoire. It's a good one, allow a free download trial version (with a 5 min. per call limit) is available; but to my mind the upgrade to advanced features and limitless calling doesn't justify the hefty pricetag. Further experimentation may prove that wrong?...
Bottom line: Pro--Clear audio and video, Con--cost, retail $149.00. See http://reviews.cnet.com/Polycom_PVX_complete_package/4014-8033_7-31208245.html?orderby=50&sort=asc for reduced pricing from 2nd-party vendors.